2025 Pickleball Rule Changes and Gear Trends You Need to Know About

2025 rules

As the sport pickleball continues to evolve, so does the amount of gear available to players. Because the only thing better than playing the sport is living the sport!

Here are a few items on Pickeball Rookie’s radar this year:

These new AI paddles from Selkirk and JOOLA are pretty mind-blowing. As someone who’s always working on my third shot drop, having real-time feedback on spin and contact point is a game-changer. Though I have to admit, sometimes I turn off the app and just focus on feel – old habits die hard!

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How to Handle a Pickleball Ball Hog

When you’re trying to enjoy a fun game of pickleball, there’s nothing more frustrating than a ball hog teammate who insists on taking every shot, even ones clearly meant for you. Instead of fun rallies, points are over quickly with the ball hog going for shots they had no business going for. We’ve all been there. Personally, there have been times where I will mutter to myself the whole way home that I should have taken control of the situation. So, how can you handle this tricky on-court scenario? We have a few ideas!

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How to Stay Light on Your Feet During Pickleball

If you feel like your feet are glued to the court when playing pickleball, you’re not alone. Many players, especially those new to the sport, struggle with being light and agile on their feet. This issue, often referred to as “concrete feet,” can significantly hinder your ability to react quickly and get into position for shots. However, you can overcome this challenge with the right techniques and exercises and take your pickleball game to new heights. Here are some tips to help you stay light on your feet when playing pickleball.

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How to Hold a Pickleball Paddle With a Finger-Up Grip

I don’t play ping pong often, but when I do, I place my index finger on the face of the paddle with a finger-up grip. So perhaps I shouldn’t be surprised that this habit of extending my finger north of the grip carried over to pickleball.

Many pickleball players view this as an unorthodox or even improper way to hold the paddle, but I’ve stuck with it for some time now, and it’s been effective, specifically at the non-volley zone line.

However, the grip comes at a price.

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Nice Guys Finish Last: My Pickleball Etiquette Epiphany

Last night, it was business as usual at my “Advanced Intermediate to Advanced” pickleball league–until it wasn’t.

I was winning a doubles match 8-1.

I hit a wicked hard slice shot from just in front of the baseline.

The ball took a crazy turn and started to gravitate towards my opponent’s head. He just got his paddle up in time and hit a errant ball that sailed into the benches.

He wasn’t happy.

“Hey, I have to go to work tomorrow.” 

I apologized.

“Never my intention to hurt anyone.”

We continued play, and I resorted to much softer tactics.

You can probably guess what happens next.

I lost the match 11-9.

On the drive home I was pissed at myself.

After almost two years of playing the sport, I still don’t know how to keep my pedal to the metal; I’m billing myself The Empathetic Pickleballer.  

But that doesn’t show up in the box score.

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Pickleball Exercises to Play Better for Longer

As pickleball’s popularity has exploded, so have injuries, mainly caused by repetitive motion, awkward positions, and quick lunges. 

Personally, I have found the sport much easier on my body than tennis. But that doesn’t mean it’s not without it’s aches and pains. In fact, I have another browser tab opened right now wondering if I tore my rotator cuff. But that’s a conversation for another time!

If you play the sport regularly, you will want to have a dedicated cross-training regimen off of the pickleball court that is designed to enhance overall fitness to meet the sport’s physical demands. 

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How to Advance from 3.5 to 4.0 in Pickleball

Graduating from 3.5 to 4.0 in pickleball is one of the most difficult journeys the recreational player can make. If you’re a seasoned 3.5 pickleball player looking to break into the 4.0 level, improving your skills takes focus and dedication. Based on advice from advanced players and my own experience, here are some pickleball tips for 3.5 players to graduate to a 4.0 level.

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