Pickleball Exercises to Play Better for Longer

As pickleball’s popularity has exploded, so have injuries, mainly caused by repetitive motion, awkward positions, and quick lunges. 

Personally, I have found the sport much easier on my body than tennis. But that doesn’t mean it’s not without it’s aches and pains. In fact, I have another browser tab opened right now wondering if I tore my rotator cuff. But that’s a conversation for another time!

If you play the sport regularly, you will want to have a dedicated cross-training regimen off of the pickleball court that is designed to enhance overall fitness to meet the sport’s physical demands. 

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The Best Pickleball Warm-Up Routine

Being an avid pickleball player, I never hit the court without my tested and vetted pickleball warm-up routine. Before both casual games and intense tournaments, I make sure I’m primed and ready. After some tweaking (get it!?), here’s is the routine I employ to avoid pickleball injuries.

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The Perfect Pickleball Cool-Down Routine

A pickleball cool-down routine is essential to any pickleball player’s workout. They help to prevent injuries, reduce muscle soreness, and improve recovery. But too many players (guilty!) hop in their car after pickleball play and think hydration is enough. Wrong!

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