When Pickleball Frustration Turns Into a Paddle Smash

I threw my pickleball paddle.

Like an impetuous little cry baby, I tossed it into an empty bench.

It soared like a Frisbee, garnering several audible gasps from surrounding players.

I tell you this not because I am proud but because days later, I’m still embarrassed.

The catalyst? I went one and six in games against lateral competition and I couldn’t point to a single reason why. I reverted back to that 14-year-old boy who once smashed a tennis racket against the tree. But that was a hormonal rage brought on by girl trouble.

Decades later, and a much more mellow dude, there is no excuse for my pickleball frustration to be left on the court.

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Nice Guys Finish Last: My Pickleball Etiquette Epiphany

Last night, it was business as usual at my “Advanced Intermediate to Advanced” pickleball league–until it wasn’t.

I was winning a doubles match 8-1.

I hit a wicked hard slice shot from just in front of the baseline.

The ball took a crazy turn and started to gravitate towards my opponent’s head. He just got his paddle up in time and hit a errant ball that sailed into the benches.

He wasn’t happy.

“Hey, I have to go to work tomorrow.” 

I apologized.

“Never my intention to hurt anyone.”

We continued play, and I resorted to much softer tactics.

You can probably guess what happens next.

I lost the match 11-9.

On the drive home I was pissed at myself.

After almost two years of playing the sport, I still don’t know how to keep my pedal to the metal; I’m billing myself The Empathetic Pickleballer.  

But that doesn’t show up in the box score.

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