When Pickleball Frustration Turns Into a Paddle Smash

I threw my pickleball paddle.

Like an impetuous little cry baby, I tossed it into an empty bench.

It soared like a Frisbee, garnering several audible gasps from surrounding players.

I tell you this not because I am proud but because days later, I’m still embarrassed.

The catalyst? I went one and six in games against lateral competition and I couldn’t point to a single reason why. I reverted back to that 14-year-old boy who once smashed a tennis racket against the tree. But that was a hormonal rage brought on by girl trouble.

Decades later, and a much more mellow dude, there is no excuse for my pickleball frustration to be left on the court.

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How to Stay Motivated for Pickleball

We all have those days. The sun is shining, the pickleball court beckons, yet you just can’t muster the energy or the enthusiasm to pick up your paddle. 

For those who’ve discovered the dynamic world of pickleball, and harbor dreams of tournament victories, staying motivated is paramount. If today is one of those days where the sofa looks more tempting than the court, consider these tips to recharge your spirit and stay on the path to improvement.

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