I Took a Pickleball Clinic With Professional Player Zane Navratil

Your resident Pickleball Rookie took a two-hour pickleball clinic this past Memorial Day with Zane Navratil and Frank Anthony Davis (F.A.D.), two of the top pickleball players in the world. 

The class was fantastic! 

But first and foremost, explaining to your family that you are leaving a Memorial Day barbecue midstream to take a pickleball class, was met with some inquisitive looks and a single question, ‘why?’ 

Simple answer: When you have an opportunity to learn from the best in a subject area that you are passionate about, you seize the opportunity; that’s why! And three months into my pickleball journey, I felt the timing was perfect for attempting to improve my game and start to work on upping my skill level.

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Pickleball 101: The Popular Game Explained

C’mon, admit it! You want a better understanding of pickleball and to better understand why everyone is talking about the sport. Here is your pickleball 101 lesson. 🙂

Pickleball is the fastest-growing sports in the United States. From 2019 to 2020, U.S. pickleball players grew from 3.46 million to 4.2 million players, a 21% increase, officially making it a thing.

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What Is Pickleball? I Took a Lesson to Find Out!

I took my first one-on-one pickleball lesson this week to answer America’s favorite recent question, “What is pickleball?” I thoroughly enjoyed learning more about the fastest-growing sport in America. It is clear that I have a ton to learn, but the 60-minute session left me confident that my tennis skills will translate well on the pickleball court. However, there were a few surprises for this brand new player. If you’re considering picking up a pickleball paddle, here are a few things that my instructor shared with me, as well as a few things that caught me off guard.

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