How to Move From a 3.5 to 4.0 Pickleball Rating

It’s a common refrain throughout pickleball, advancing from a 3. 5 to a 4.0 pickleball rating.

While many folks, including yours truly, can consistently win games at local open play sessions against other 3.5 players, we struggle to take that next step up. But there are a few paths you can follow to get your game over the hump. Here’s a look at some of the keys that helped propel my progression.

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How to Stay Light on Your Feet During Pickleball

If you feel like your feet are glued to the court when playing pickleball, you’re not alone. Many players, especially those new to the sport, struggle with being light and agile on their feet. This issue, often referred to as “concrete feet,” can significantly hinder your ability to react quickly and get into position for shots. However, you can overcome this challenge with the right techniques and exercises and take your pickleball game to new heights. Here are some tips to help you stay light on your feet when playing pickleball.

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Everything You Need to Know About the Spinshot Pickleball Machine

The world of pickleball has experienced a significant surge in popularity over the past few years and pickleball machines have come along for the ride. As players continue to look for ways to refine their skills and gain a competitive edge, advanced training tools like the Spinshot Pickleball Machine have come to the forefront. If you’re considering adding this machine to your training regimen so you can practice pickleball alone, here’s a comprehensive look at what it offers.

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How to Advance from 3.5 to 4.0 in Pickleball

Graduating from 3.5 to 4.0 in pickleball is one of the most difficult journeys the recreational player can make. If you’re a seasoned 3.5 pickleball player looking to break into the 4.0 level, improving your skills takes focus and dedication. Based on advice from advanced players and my own experience, here are some pickleball tips for 3.5 players to graduate to a 4.0 level.

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5 Beginner Pickleball Drills to Improve Your Game

Many people who play pickleball for the first time find themselves unexpectedly addicted. They start to eat and sleep America’s fastest growing sport. And part of that process often involves finding pickleball drills that will help take their game to the next level.

While there are pickleball drills for players of all skill levels, this article will focus on pickleball drills for beginners. After all, if you’re just starting, you need to master the basics before moving to more advanced techniques. So grab your pickleball paddle and let’s get started.

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