Temu Pickleball Paddles Under $100

Is Temu pickleball merch up to the test?

I have been an advocate and supporter of Temu for more than a year. Like many people, I was skeptical.

But I rolled the dice on a small and inexpensive item. And when it arrived as promised, I doubled down. Since then, I have placed dozens of orders, and have been satisfied with the vast majority of my purchases. They even have neat stuff like cheap compression socks and cooling towels.

However, if you’re spoiled by Amazon Prime, get ready to wait. Temu orders to New York generally take 10 days. And they often arrive a jumbled mess. However, if you keep your expectations low and expect an 80% success rate, meaning the products are functional and as described, it’s a fair deal. Actually, better. It’s a great deal.

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When Pickleball Frustration Turns Into a Paddle Smash

I threw my pickleball paddle.

Like an impetuous little cry baby, I tossed it into an empty bench.

It soared like a Frisbee, garnering several audible gasps from surrounding players.

I tell you this not because I am proud but because days later, I’m still embarrassed.

The catalyst? I went one and six in games against lateral competition and I couldn’t point to a single reason why. I reverted back to that 14-year-old boy who once smashed a tennis racket against the tree. But that was a hormonal rage brought on by girl trouble.

Decades later, and a much more mellow dude, there is no excuse for my pickleball frustration to be left on the court.

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The Best Pickleball Shoes: Adidas Barricade

When I first started playing pickleball two years ago, I made a commitment to myself. A promise that I would avoid getting caught up in a marketing matrix that left me spending infinite dollars on pickleball gear.

I’ve been mostly successful.

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Nice Guys Finish Last: My Pickleball Etiquette Epiphany

Last night, it was business as usual at my “Advanced Intermediate to Advanced” pickleball league–until it wasn’t.

I was winning a doubles match 8-1.

I hit a wicked hard slice shot from just in front of the baseline.

The ball took a crazy turn and started to gravitate towards my opponent’s head. He just got his paddle up in time and hit a errant ball that sailed into the benches.

He wasn’t happy.

“Hey, I have to go to work tomorrow.” 

I apologized.

“Never my intention to hurt anyone.”

We continued play, and I resorted to much softer tactics.

You can probably guess what happens next.

I lost the match 11-9.

On the drive home I was pissed at myself.

After almost two years of playing the sport, I still don’t know how to keep my pedal to the metal; I’m billing myself The Empathetic Pickleballer.  

But that doesn’t show up in the box score.

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Australian Doubles Pickleball: The Exciting Odd-Numbered Game

“Let’s play cutthroat,” said the dude in the high socks, neon sneakers and Fila pickleball visor. 

“Uh, sure,” I replied.

I then braced for impact. Was this dude gonna charge at me?

It was at this moment I was introduced to Australian Doubles, also known as Cutthroat, a popular pickleball variation that is perfect when you only have three players. The innovative game keeps everyone engaged when you are short one player and brings out players’ competitive sides. Learn how it works and why you should add it to your next pickleball outing.

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When Your Pickleball Tournament Does Not Go As Expected

Approaching Nassau Coliseum to play the Rip It Winter Invitational Pickleball Tournament felt like something special.

And then I entered the building, and reality set in.

I walked through a metal detector.

Was shown the makeshift concrete courts in the basement.

Endured start-time delays.

Not to mention the crazy distracting fire alarm that went off mid-match.

Let’s just say it was a learning experience. 🙂

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Pickleball Exercises to Play Better for Longer

As pickleball’s popularity has exploded, so have injuries, mainly caused by repetitive motion, awkward positions, and quick lunges. 

Personally, I have found the sport much easier on my body than tennis. But that doesn’t mean it’s not without it’s aches and pains. In fact, I have another browser tab opened right now wondering if I tore my rotator cuff. But that’s a conversation for another time!

If you play the sport regularly, you will want to have a dedicated cross-training regimen off of the pickleball court that is designed to enhance overall fitness to meet the sport’s physical demands. 

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