Best Pickleball Paddle for Tennis Elbow: A Comprehensive Guide

Finding a pickleball paddle amongst so many choices is a challenge. Finding a pickleball paddle that prevents tennis elbow, even more of a daunting task! This guide aims to simplify that process by highlighting the crucial aspects to consider and offering a curated list of top-performing paddles in the market.

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The Best Pickleball Paddles for Beginners

Best Pickleball Paddles for Beginners

Navigating the world of pickleball paddles, especially as a newcomer, can seem overwhelming. With the market flooded with countless brands and models, knowing what makes a good beginner’s paddle is crucial. As someone relatively new to pickleball, I feel your pain and want to try to make your life a bit easier.

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Used Pickleball Paddles – Everything You Need to Know

Buying used pickleball paddles online is an adventure. 

The proliferation of the sport, coupled with the obsession many players have with finding the perfect paddle to gain an edge over the competition, and it’s no wonder that picking up a secondhand paddle is like navigating the Wild West.

I’ve been fortunate to have mostly positive experiences, securing some great deals on quality paddles that added value to my game. However, like any online purchase, buying used pickleball equipment has its pitfalls. But as expensive pickleball paddles proliferate the market, sometimes a used bargain is your best bet!

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All About Using a Pickleball Paddle Eraser

A pickleball paddle eraser gives you one less excuse for losing.

You know you’re a pickleball enthusiast when you’re fascinated by the sport and the nitty-gritty details of paddle maintenance. I’ve spent months whacking that perforated ball, but only recently stumbled upon the concept of a “pickleball eraser.” Sounds mythical, right?

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Pickleball vs. Wiffle Ball – What Is the Difference?

Why Getting Hit by a Pickleball Hurts More Than a Wiffle Ball

I can still feel the sting. 

As I stood on the pickleball court, trying to shake off the shock from a pickleball that had just made a rather painful introduction with my neck, my opponent chuckled and remarked, “Come on, it’s only a wiffle ball!” 

That casual dismissal irked me more than the actual hit. 

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While wiffle balls and pickleballs might appear like siblings at first glance, they are worlds apart in weight and impact, making them more like distant cousins.

And when you factor in that a pickleball can reach 40mph and be sent in your direction from as close as 7 feet away, don’t tell me getting hit doesn’t hurt. Sadly, pickleball injuries are on the rise, many because players are being struck by the ball.

But I did get my revenge: I spent the rest of the match polishing this dude’s obnoxious Selkirk sneakers.

Let’s look at the differences between wiffle balls and pickleballs and debunk and dive into why getting hit by a pickleball is no laughing matter.

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How to Use Lead Tape for Pickleball Paddles

Over the years, players have been looking for ways to improve their gameplay, and one of the tactics that has gained popularity is using lead tape for pickleball paddles. Is this modification worth it? When should you add weight to your paddle? And where does the lead tape get added?

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The Most Expensive Pickleball Paddle Is…

You don’t always get what you pay for, but players still look to elevate to the next level by seeking out the most expensive pickleball paddle on the market. But does spending more money on equipment make you a better player?

Of course not.

But some of the more expensive paddles bring intriguing features.

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Pickleball Accessories and Gadgets to Level Up Your Game

From score counters to funky visors to compression gear, new pickleball accessories hit the market every day.

Hey there, pickleball fanatics! You know what they say: “Look good, feel good, play good.” As fellow pickleball enthusiasts, we understand that having the right accessories and gadgets can make a world of difference in your game. With pickleball skyrocketing in popularity, the world of pickleball treasures is overflowing with innovative and cutting-edge products designed to elevate your performance while ensuring you look and feel like a pro on the court. 

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Our Favorite Pickleball Outfits for 2023 and Beyond

Are you looking to level up your pickleball outfits with fresh pickleball clothes?

Pickleball offers players greater latitude when it comes to fashion rules, making the court a colorful place to be.

Look, it’s no secret that pickleball does not enjoy the same lauded reputation in the fashion world as tennis. Close your eyes and imagine the stereotypical pickleball player’s clothing. Are you envisioning a boxy shirt that features tacky, paddle-wielding pickles? Are the pickles wearing sweatbands and sunglasses? Yikes.

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